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Rappin' with songstress Ramsey Renee

Writer's picture: Miss JMiss J

Ever so often, in the music industry, you get an anomaly. Someone that is every bit just as talented as vocalist, has been around for decades, but only has the experience of their teenage life. Meet Ramsey Renee. She is 15, and is climbing up the R&B charts with her hit single "Commitment Issues." Although she is only 15, her vocal ability could put her in the league of popular adult R&B artists. I had the opportunity the sit down with her and talk about her music journey.

Q. What, first, got you into music?

A. It came very naturally. I've always been around music; my dad sings and my mom sang to me as a baby. I remember humming as a baby instead of speaking.

Q. Who inspired you to make music?

A. Family and friends. Also, myself. I always wanted to make music to express how I felt. I thought that it always came out better that way, versus me telling someone I would just put it in a song.

Q. What do your parents feel about your music and have they been supportive?

A. My parents have always been supportive. They love my music. I always hear my mom playing it in the shower. My dad shows his respect differently. He pats me on the back *laughs.* He trains my voice in music and is impressed with the range I have. Both of my parents are also happy that my mind and music lyrics match up. My lyrics can gauge younger audience, and it's also relatable to adults.

Q. How would you describe the music that you typically create?

A. R&B and Soul. Specifically, music about love. I'm a hopeless romantic. I feel like a lot of people crave relationship, love, and self love. So, a lot of people would be into my music. Now, I have gone more into the lane of Hip-Hop Pop and R&B. In the future, I want to test myself in different genres like Jazz and Country to see what I can do.

Q. What is your creative process like?

A. Very random. I hear a noise and I'm like that would sound cool in a beat. I also use random phrases as parts of songs, if someone says anything interesting. I hum a lot. Playing on my instruments, and hearing different cords inspire me as well. I have over 600 memo recordings in my phone.

Q. Who would you most like to collaborate with?

A. Lauryn Hill and Jazmine Sullivan. I listen to them everyday, and I just think they are so phenomenal. I admire both ladies a lot and look up to them. Especially Lauryn Hill; her energy, voice and ability to set the tone is unmatched. They are both very unique in style and real.

Q. If you could go open a show for any artist who would it be?

A. H.E.R. I love H.E.R. so much! Her energy and music really gels well with mine. I believe we would be an awesome match together.

Q. What is one message you would give to your fans?

A. My mom always told me, "never do anything half heartedly." If you don't give your all, its not going to be as great as you want it to be. Make sure you are giving your all in everything you do.

Q. What is the most useless talent you have?

A. Knowing how to do a cartwheel. I did gynamstic for a while. I actually trained to be a gymnast, and thought that's what I would do in life; but look at me now *laughs.*

Q. Do you sing in the shower? What songs?

A. I have a shower playlist of straight R&B. It mostly consists of Frank Ocean, H.E.R., SZA, Lauryn Hill, Georgia Smith, Brent Fiyaz and a lot of other R&B artists. What I listen to in the shower really depends on my mood. I had a sad playlist too.

Q. What would you be doing right now, if it wasn’t for your music career?

A. I would be studying psychology. I want to get a PhD in Psychology or Criminal Psychology. Something in the criminal field for sure.

Q. Where have you performed? What are your favourite and least favourite venues? Do you have any upcoming shows?

A. I performed a lot when I was younger. I've done a lot of talent shows and open-mic nights. My favorite so far was "Runway Moms For A Cause;" it was my first performance at nine-years old. I had a dress made for me and everything. I have upcoming shows and a listening party coming up virtually.

Q. How do you feel the Internet has impacted the music business?

A. There are a lot of pros and cons. Negatively, the comparison to other artists causes stress and self doubt. Positively, it's a great way to promote your music and acquire a large support group.

Q. What is your favorite song to perform?

A. Committment Issues. It's officially my first single. For fun, I sing a lot of Summer Walker.

Q. Which famous musicians do you admire?

A. My top 5 are: Lauryn Hill, Sza, Jhene Aiko, Aretha Franklin, and Mac Ayres.

Q. What is the most trouble you’ve ever gotten into?

A. I don't get in trouble... mostly because I don't tell the entire story *laughs.* I have two older sisters, so they would help me out if all else fails.

Q. What is the best advice you’ve been given?

A. My sister said, "people are in your life for a reason, season, or a lifetime". My dad has said, "never put your life on pause waiting for someone to get theirs together." Lastly, my close friend has said "remember, there's always light at the end of the tunnel."

Q. If you could change anything about the industry, what would it be?

A. How male dominated it is. Young artists aren't taken as serious as they should be either. Just with the support alone. I feel like some labels don't give young artists the support they need.

Q. What’s next for you?

A. I'm still asking myself that question. I want to collaborate with different artists and build my platform, as well as work on my album. I'm really open to any opportunity coming my way right now. During these times, I am adapting and adjusting.

Q. Where can people follow you and see your work?

A. @ramseysings . You can stream my single, "Commitment Issues" on all music platforms.

Q. Any final words you would like to say to your fans or other artists out there?

A. I just want to remind other young artisits they are not alone and other people are working just as hard as you are. Also, never compare yourself to anyone else. We should all work with each other. Essentially, we all have the same insecurites and we can work and learn from each other. We should cheer on and support each other.

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