Kinyatta E. Gray has a proven track record of success. With no previous writing experience, Kinyatta wrote and released three books in only six months: 30 Days: Surviving The Trauma And Unexpected Loss of a Single Parent As An Only Child, Passing As Straight, and From Section 8 To C.E.O.

Who better to take advice from than a three-time, published author?
As Women for the Culture, we believe in the power of sharing information and highlight those using their knowledge to help propel others. Gray does just that; particularly, through the release of her new eBook, "So, You Want To Be An Author. A Step-by Step Guide for Aspiring Authors."

Now available for purchase at $5.99 per copy, the digital download pinpoints "10 basic steps for aspiring authors to consider on their road to authorship, such as: Understanding Your "Why", Understanding What An Author is, Understanding the Importance of Coaching, Deciding on What Kind of Book to Write and more."
Have you considered telling your story in written form? Gray says, "This guide is geared toward any individual with no prior experience as an author who has a desire to write a book and become a published author but does not know where to start."
Fear of the unknown is normal; however, so is regret. Assuming one has to establish a name for themselves prior to writing is not being fair to self. Gray says, "You as an author are the brand; your book is a product. So, it's important that you market yourself effectively, share your "backstory", are like-able, credible, operate with integrity and write and speak about what you know. Your readers will buy into you, before they buy into the book."
Rather, write with intent. Know, above all, that you have the power to reach many and possibly even change the life or perspective of one. Grays says "It's important for people to share their stories for a number of reasons; such as: preserving a legacy, creating awareness on a specific topic, educating others on "how to" do something or learn something new." She continues, "Ultimately, writing your story can greatly impact and or change the way your readers think, react or respond to a specific situation or life issue and/or the manner in which a person is entertained. An author can also be the ultimate influencer."
With the release of any product, one must consider its place in the market; if the release will fulfill a specific need for its audience. Gray assures, A great topic/title is one that answers a question or potentially solves a problem for your readers and or creates excitement, enthusiasm or intrigue for your readers."
With Gray's road map to authorship, the table has already been prepared. This blueprint acts as a guide to outline and organize your thoughts, while providing tips and tricks to ensure you're hitting the neccessary milestones towards a completed, published work. Gray is confident her eBook helps aspiring authors in the following ways:
1) Being clear on your purpose for becoming an author.
2) Understanding that becoming an author takes careful planning.
3)Educating yourself on the best way to publish your book.
4) Understanding that effective marketing is a key factor to the success and longevity of your book.
5) Understanding the importance of coaching for an aspiring author.
Building a community of empowerment starts and relies on selfless contribution. Providing the tools for others to thrive is a mark of a great leader. Gray herself, wishes she had a tried-and-tested formula prior to penning her tales. She recalls, "It's a resource I wish I had prior to becoming an author." It was with this need that the industry lacked that Gray decided to work out the kinks and provide a fool-proof strategy to get you to your end goal.
The release was prompted by prodigious inquiries from her juniors, requesting to "pick her brain. After launching an unofficial poll via Instagram on "what's stopping those who want to become an author from doing so," Gray deduced that the underlying theme was "they didn't know where to begin."
To purchase your copy of "So, You Want To Be An Author. A Step-by Step Guide for Aspiring Authors," visit https://www.kinyattagray.com/purchase-book/so-you-want-to-be-an-author-step-by-step-guide-for-aspiring-authors-ebook.
It doesn't stop there!
Gray says, "Also, those who have purchased the book and still have questions may also request a 20 minute consultation through my website for $20.99. The requester for a consultation must have ordered /downloaded and read my guide."

For more information on Kinyatta E. Gray, vist kinyattagray.com, or follow her for updates on Instagram @Kinyattagraytheauthor!